Karta majitele Sven - Flatio
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Sven B.
Zobrazit medailonek
Neověřené nabídky 2
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
Nová nabídka
28. 7. - 10. 8. (14 dní)
60  / noc
Včetně všech služeb
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
Nová nabídka
19. 8. - 1. 9. (14 dní)
52  / noc
Včetně všech služeb
O mně
Sven, originally from Germany, has been calling the island of Gran Canaria his home for the last 17 years. He and his girlfriend have two flats for rent in the south of Gran Canaria, which they're happy to offer for very affordable rates during the summer season.

Naposledy online
3 dny
Registrace na Flatio
Máj 2024

Sven je ověřený majitel.
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