Karta majitele Shazia - Flatio
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Shazia R.
Zobrazit medailonek
Neověřené nabídky 1
Nová nabídka
30. 6. - 4. 7. (5 dní)
24  / noc
Včetně všech služeb
O mně
Its a pleasure to Introduce myself as an your Landlord. I am Shazia Rahim, 40 years a like minded lady living with 2 kids, who are grown up now and loving to live in Portugal. We are quite nice friendly, neat & clean and love to integrate with different culture people and enjoy spending time with cooking and overall its fun to talk to us.

Naposledy online
1 měsíc
Registrace na Flatio
Apríl 2024

Shazia je ověřený majitel.
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